Wednesday, May 19, 2010


3 comments: said...

Frostmourne is the runeblade that Ner'zhul, the Lich King, thrust from his Frozen Throne, intending that Arthas Menethil — his unwitting potential host — would discover it on the continent of Northrend. It is currently wielded by Arthas/the Lich King.Muradin Bronzebeard was searching for the weapon after hearing of Frostmourne's power and was searching for it when Arthas and his men arrived. When the forces of the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis began to close in around them, Arthas and Muradin set out to claim the weapon... said...

this weapon got light effect ,thunder blue light ^w^

edyaryanto said...

bos. how much you sell the item and how heavy the item including box>?